Universal Mount Mill & Grinder Guard
Heavy Duty Steel Frame with LEXAN® Guards
For Milling Machines and Unguarded Machines Including C.N.C.'s, Multi-spindles, and Grinders

In use: Guard down

Flip up to change workpiece or tool... no loss in productivity!
Unique universal positioning design is fully adjustable. Frame/shield is mounted and supported by a heavy duty arm and swivel clamp thus allowing the operator to "custom fit" each guard as to overall length, angle, and position of shield. Wing-shaped frame/shield protects workers at adjacent machines. Long Reach Extension Kit Model No. 13262 permits positioning of guard up to 40" from mounting point.
- Easy to mount (brackets supplied for most mountings).
- Frame is heavy steel construction with thick LEXAN® windows.
- High quality painted finish - bright OSHA ORANGE.
- Model No. 13258, 19" W x 16" H
- Model No. 13260, 26 1/2" W x 16" H